The Artistry of Oman Ken
Sedona's Premiere Transformational Books and Music
Summer Volume
Journey of
The Great Circle
Oman's book, Journey of The Great Circle, is too rich with meaningful poetic and creative thinking not to be experienced. --- Bruce Kellogg, Unity minister
Journey of The Great Circle
Available at:
Journey of The Great Circle is a collection of 365 contemplative narratives that’s designed as a daily transformative practice for the purpose of personal transformation.
The annual collection of narratives is divided into four volumes, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn each beginning on either the solstice or equinox.
Each of the 365 narratives has a specific spiritual theme to help you gain a more expansive understanding of what really matters in your life - and points you to how to live a life of inner freedom and peace of mind.
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Oman Ken has created an inspiring collection of what he calls - philosophical story poems - that guide you to the heart of what life is truly about and what really matters. His poems help you live in alignment with the Natural Intelligence within all of life.
Oman's poems portray themes that explore conscious relationships, transcendence, quantum physics, visionary archetypes, evolutionary spirituality, alignment with Nature, and many more themes which are investigated in his four volume book series, JOURNEY OF THE GREAT CIRCLE.
Here’s what Rama Jyoti Vernon, co-founder of The Yoga Journal and author of Yoga: The Practice of Myth & Sacred Geometry, is saying:
"Oman’s book inspires us to embark on a sacred journey and exploration of what life is truly about - and what really matters. Here is a book that can be utilized every day to polish the Diamond of our Souls.”

The various themes involve insights from spirituality, the evolutionary perspective, quantum physics, the study of visionary archetypes, healing, and transformative practice.
Journey of The Great Circle is an easy, yet effective system to help cultivate inner freedom, and to assist you to live your destiny of an awakened life - as a Master of Freedom.

Here’s what Alan Cohen, bestselling author, is saying:
"This unique, heartfelt, and visionary book penetrates to the deepest questions of the human journey, and offers touching and inspiring poetic images to guide us. Oman Ken brings the wealth of his experience and deep insights as a welcome roadmap to awakening. I recommend Journey of The Great Circle to anyone dedicated to fathom the mysteries of life and advance on your own healing journey.”